Twórczość i kontekst ideologiczny w poglądach Wacława Nałkowskiego

Karol Wilczyński


Nałkowski lived in times of rapid transformation of civilization and during the period of ideological ferment, in a colonized country which at that time was Poland. Clearly disappointed with social and political reality, he turned his interest towards the trendy socialist ideas, seeing in them the hope for improving the living conditions of the society. The discerning analysis of the Nałkowski’s Social Writings (ed. 1951), allowed the author to assess the influence of the intellectual atmosphere on his activities and views. Although Nałkowski was a supporter of modern ideas, such as evolution, his intellectual independence and strength were the reason why he never became political activist. Moreover, he refused to join socialist movements and organizations. His ideological position and uncompromising character as well as the controversial, typical for him way of expressing opinions and views caused, that he was excluded from the political circles and condemned to an existence outside of academia, and often on the margins of intellectual life.

Słowa kluczowe

Wacław Nałkowski; filozofia; polityka; rozwój społeczny; grupy społeczne


Jędrzejczyk D., 1999, Myśl geograficzna Wacława Nałkowskiego, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa.

Nałkowski W., 1951, Pisma społeczne, oprac. S. Żółkiewski, PIW, Warszawa.

Ortega y Gasset J., 2004, Bunt mas, Wyd. Muza, Warszawa.

Wilczyński W. i E., 1990, Wacław Nałkowski 1851–1911, [w:] Geographers. Biobibliographical Studies, vol. 13, G. Martin (red.), Mansell, London, s. 45–52.

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